Greetings to our amazing Canopy supporters and families! It has been a busy few weeks with lots of amazing opportunities for us to spread our Canopy mission with government leaders and the community at large.
I serve on the board of the Inland Valley Interfaith Working Group for Middle East Peace. Last week we were able to meet with our representative, Congresswoman Judy Chu! It was a great meeting discussing ways the United States can support peace efforts in the Middle East. I was able to also spend some time with Congresswoman Chu telling her all about Canopy, our mission and our amazing families. She was thrilled to know about our efforts and will stay in touch and be of help if needed! We are lucky to have such an amazing woman representing our district.
I also work with the Muslim Public Affairs Council here in Southern California, a national public affairs non-profit organization working to promote and strengthen understanding and polices that impact American Muslims. It is a wonderful interfaith collaboration of coming together to promote peace. Yesterday they held a forum with Congressman Adam Schiff, Salam Al-Marayati from MPAC, and representatives from All Saints Church in Pasadena as well as folks from IKAR. It was a fantastic coming together of leaders that use their voices to promote peace and stand up to hate crimes in the United States. I was inspired by their efforts and the discussions on embracing diversity and welcoming your neighbors. Which is exactly what we are all about here at Canopy. I value these opportunities to meet with local leaders and government officials to let them know about Canopy, but to also give gratitude using their voices to promote peace and togetherness.
Lastly and exciting opportunity came about with one of the Miry’s List partners in Los Angeles. Soul Pancake, a production company that produces short films with the purpose of educating and uplifting their viewers by providing human content that is meant to inspire and empower its audience. They are in the midst of producing a film called Truth and Myth. They are specifically interviewing immigrants and letting them in their own words say what myths and truths are being portrayed about them in the media. Two of our amazing young women, sisters, Nabila and Marwa from Afghanistan were casted to be in the film. So last Thursday I drove them into LA and they very eloquently were able to speak their truth. Educate the thousands that will watch this film on their truths, their story. It was as very moving afternoon and we couldn’t be more proud of them!
As always, I thank you for your support! Together we are amazing. During these uncertain times in our country I urge you now more than ever to welcome your neighbor, embrace diversity and stand with your fellow brothers and sisters. Lets throw away labels, we are all one, we are all human.