Today is World Refugee Day, a day for the world to commemorate the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees and show support for families forced to leave their homes due to persecution or conflict.
More than 68 million people around the world are refugees or internally displaced. According to the recent report published by the UNHCR (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), in 2017 someone was displaced every two seconds. Today, the number of refugees worldwide has reached a record high.
On World Refugee Day, I present you with a call to action. We must all think about what more we can do to help. The answer begins with unity and solidarity. We stand together, or we fail. As long as there are wars and persecution, there will be refugees. On World Refugee Day, I ask you to remember them, stand with them and welcome them into our community.
Their story is one of resilience and courage. Ours must be one of compassion and action.
Help Canopy support our friends who have resettled in Southern California, as they wait for America to welcome more refugees so they can once again be reunited with friends and family. Stand with us as we continue to help them find their footing in this foreign country, whether it be by helping send their kids to college, finding employment opportunities, or simply providing the necessary items to care for their newborn babies.
Together we are stronger!
Director and Founder, Claremont Canopy