Claremont Canopy and the Claremont Community Foundation hosted the show ”A Distant Harbor,” a special exhibition of work from internationally renowned Syrian artist Hadi Toron. His paintings explore themes of migration and bodies in conjunction and are imbued with colors from the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa.
Thanks to the generosity of the artist, half of the proceeds from sales were donated to Claremont Canopy.
Toron's oil and acrylic paintings will be shown at the Claremont Chamber of Commerce Office during the month of August.
Hadi Toron worked for the United Nations in New York. His paintings have been shown in Paris, New York, Dubai, and Washington D.C., as well as in U.S. Embassies in Chad and Qatar. Toron was short-listed for the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship. He currently lives in Sag Harbor, NY.